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12 Must-See Books on Biblical Studies (ETS, AAR, SBL Checklist Part 2)


The 2016 annual conferences ETS and AAR/SBL are near! We rounded up a short list of Zondervan’s must-see books on biblical studies. (Also see our must-see books on theology.) Here’s the list in no particular order, including news on special deals and a few comments from readers.

Drop by the Zondervan booth at the conferences in San Antonio and get these books 50% off! (And don’t miss the special Counterpoints deal below.)

1. No God but One: A Former Muslim Investigates the Evidence for Islam & Christianity by Nabeel Qureshi

“It has been a decade since I decided to leave Islam, and the fallout of my decision haunts me every day. I knew it would, but I also knew that I was sure.” –Nabeel Qureshi

Find out why Nabeel was sure in this New York Times bestselling follow-up to Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus. While SAFJ  showed us the conversion of Nabeel’s heart, No God but One shows us the conversion of Nabeel’s mind. Investigate with Nabeel crucial questions such as

  • Did Jesus die on the cross?
  • Did he rise from the dead?
  • Did Jesus claim to be God?
  • More


2. Two Views on Homosexuality, the Bible, and the Church, Preston Sprinkle, General Editor

One of four new additions to the Counterpoints series, this book is only $8 at our booth during the academic conferences, but you will save even more if you get all 4 NEW books at once, for just $30. That means you save 60% in a deal which includes:

  • Five Views on the Church and Politics
  • Four Views on Christianity and Philosophy
  • Four Views on Hell, Second Edition (with all-new contributions)
  • Two Views on Homosexuality, the Bible, and the Church


3. Four Views on Hell, Second Edition (with all new contributions), Preston Sprinkle, General Editor

Also new in the Counterpoints series. Like the volume above on Homosexuality, this is only $8 at the Zondervan booth during ETS/AAR/SBL, but you will save even more if you buy all 4 new Counterpoints.

Contributors to Four Views on Hell, Second Edition:

  • Denny Burk: Eternal Conscious Torment
  • John Stackhouse: Annihilationism (Conditional Immortality)
  • Robin Parry: Universalism (Ultimate Reconciliation)
  • Jerry Walls: Purgatory


4. God’s Word AloneThe Authority of Scripture (5 Solas Series) by Matthew Barrett

“Both a fitting tribute to its Reformation sola namesake and a constructive contribution to the doctrine of Scripture in its own right… Goes a long way to correcting modern and postmodern caricatures of the doctrine. Barrett here covers all the theological basesbiblical, historical, and systematicas one might expect of a home run.” Kevin J. Vanhoozer, Research Professor of Systematic Theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

“Persuasive evidence that this doctrine is fully rooted not only in the Reformation but in the early church and in Scripture itself… Very readable.” John D. Woodbridge, Research Professor of Church History and Christian Thought, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Get this, and some other volumes from the 5 Solas Series 50% off at ETS/AAR/SBL.


5. The Biblical Greek Companion for Bible Software Users: Grammatical Terms Explained for Exegesis by Mark L. Strauss

A useful tool for 3 types:

  • Pastors and ministry leaders who may have learned Greek at one time but have experienced the loss of much of that learning
  • College and seminary students who are learning Greek and need a guide to help understand the significance of the grammatical terminology
  • Bible software users who never formally learned Greek in the classroom and need help understanding the meaning of the terms they encounter


6. How to Preach and Teach the Old Testament for All Its Worth by Christopher J. H. Wright

“The most accessible and balanced book on Christian preaching from the Old Testament to come out in a long time.” Daniel I. Block

Look at why you should preach from the Old Testament and how to do it. This covers the History, Law, Prophets, Psalms, and Wisdom Literature.



7. Daniel (The Story of God Bible Commentary) by Wendy L. Widder

This new commentary will help you teach fresh lessons from the Book of Daniel, which is full of memorable characters and stories (and startling visions of the future).

The SGBC commentary series is specially designed for clergy and will help you understand and teach how the scriptural story meets your own story. Learn from the commentary’s three sections:

  1. LISTEN to the Story: Includes the complete NIV text, plus references to other texts at work in each passage. This way you’ll experience each passage as a part of the Bible’s grand story.
  2. EXPLAIN the Story: Explores and illuminates each text from within its canonical and historical setting.
  3. LIVE the Story: Reflects on how each text can be lived today and includes contemporary stories and illustrations. Get this book on Daniel to help you and your congregation live out God’s story.


8. John (Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament) by Edward W. Klink III


This new volume officially releases on December 6, 2016, but you can snag a copy at our conference booth. The Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament is written primarily for the pastor and Bible teacher who know biblical languages. The aim is to exegete each passage of Scripture succinctly in its grammatical and historical context. It will help you interpret the text in the light of its biblical setting, with a view to grammatical detail, literary context, flow of biblical argument, and historical setting. While the focus will not be on application, the authors do offer some application suggestions.


9. Ephesians (The Story of God Bible Commentary) by Mark D. Roberts

This new volume officially releases on November 29, 2016, but you can get it at our conference booth.






10. Genesis (The Story of God Bible Commentary) by Tremper Longman III

A fresh perspective on Genesis. Renew your understanding of how God works in the course of history with Longman’s new commentary.





11. Romans (The Story of God Bible Commentary) by Michael F. Bird

The book of Romans is a “theological jackpot”big picture theology that’s also steeped in Paul’s pastoral and missional theology.

When you dig into Paul’s magnificent letter with Bird’s new commentary, you will see how the scriptural story meets your own story.




12. NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible with notes by John H. Walton and Craig S. Keener

“How I wish someone had put a book like this into my hands 50 years ago.” —N.T. Wright.

“I cannot recommend a study Bible any more than this one!” —Scot McKnight

Get this and the books above 50% off at the Zondervan booth during ETS/AAR/SBL.



P.S. Spend $35 or more at the Zondervan booth and get a free t-shirt or tote! This applies to both ETS and AAR/SBL, but supply is limited, so don’t delay! See you in San Antonio.


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